Face Your Fitness Fears


The number one reason my clients and new gym members say they don't get to the gym on a regular basis is for fear of others judging them for coming to the gym when they are unfit. This is always shocking to me. The gym should be a place where we accept everyone, especially those that are looking to turn their health around for the better. In my opinion, a person who is overweight should never be looked down upon because they are not as fit as someone else. Everyone is on their own path, but to put someone down who is actively trying to lose weight is incredibly rude and insensitive and the exact opposite reason that gyms were created. Newsflash: gyms, fitness centers, pools and studio's are all made to help everyone reach better health. They are there to offer education and guidance to those that want it. There is no place for negativity and put-downs. It should be a place you look forward to coming. Somewhere you can reach your goals with support from your fellow gym-goers.

If they gym you are going to is exuding a negative environment consider talking with the manager and explaining your concerns about negative attitudes in the gym. I guarantee that if you are feeling uncomfortable in the gym, there are many more members just like you that are too afraid to mention it. If nothing changes, find a different gym! New gyms and studios are popping up all over - if your current gym isn't working, don't be afraid to find a better one.