Apple Watch & Nike+ Review


I'll be the first to admit that I have a hard time turning off my technology and just running. I have to track my miles, see my stats and judge my run based on that GPS device that follows me around everywhere. In our house, everything is connected, when the phone rings so does the iPad, Macbook, Apple Watch, can be overwhelming, but somehow it's comforting too. Running with a GPS tracking app or watch can be extremely beneficial. Especially if you want to challenge yourself. I always run with my Nike GPS watch and I really love the ease of use and stats it gives - they easily sync to the Nike+ App and I can track my progress over the years.

Karen Nike+

Recently, I got the Apple Watch and tested it out using the Nike+ app specifically configured to run on the watch. I was surprised at the ease of use, just press start and go. The watch syncs with your phone and you're off and running, so-to-speak. During the run - the Nike+ stats screen kept disappearing (hopefully that was just my own user error!). I'm still looking into this.

I was originally worried that the watch would drain my phone battery - but surprisingly, after two hours of running - it was still at 85%. Kudos to Apple for this.

I have the sport watch - and really like the band. It's easy to use, easy to clean and fits well, without being too bulky. At the moment, I only have the white band, but they are easy to change out so you can mix up the colors of your watch.

The Stand, Calorie Goal and Workout Goals are also great features in the watch. You can glance at your wrist and know right away how little, or how much you have moved. It motivates me to get up and move more, walk to lunch instead of drive and get in that extra workout at night.

All in all, the Apple Watch is a really fun new piece of technology to play with and keeps me constantly connected. It also has great health features. If you use the tools it provides, goal setting, workout features and heart rate monitoring, you will more than cover the initial cost in health benefits.