Post Workout Fuel to Build Muscle

Protein is important for building muscle, however, it is often over-advertised. Our body can only use so much protein, so don't overdo it. Men need approximately 56 grams per day and women 46 grams per day. While protein is important, it should only be about 35% of your daily diet, the rest coming from carbohydrates and fats. For active people, quality and timing of protein intake is the most important thing post-workout. One way to get adequate carbohydrate, fat and protein replenishment following a hard workout or run is to drink a smoothie containing all three within 30 minutes of hard exercise. My favorite consists of a mix of fruit, veggies, protein powder and other nutrients.


I made this smoothie yesterday post 3-mile run and HIIT workout in the park. It is refreshing, filling and gives your body all the nutrients it needs to help rebuild and repair your muscles. I had to rush off to another appointment soon after my workout, so being able to whip up a quick, delicious and portable smoothie within 5 minutes was ideal. We all have busy lives and this recipe helps you maximize nutrition while minimizing time spent in the kitchen. For this recipe, I used vanilla protein powder because it was all that I had, however, I think this smoothie tastes even more chocolaty with a chocolate flavored protein powder of your choice.

Smoothie Recipe

For more information on the benefits of protein and to check out a great vegan protein powder, head on over to the Fuel-6 page and read more. What I love about their protein powder is that it is made up of Pea Protein, Sprouted Whole Grain Rice Protein, Hemp Protein, Sacha Inchi Protein, Quinoa Protein and Artichoke Protein. This mix of proteins is great for giving maximum nutrition. It is also, vegan, soy, gluten and dairy free!