8-Minute Strength Workout For Runners


It’s the end of a long run or race and your legs feel like lead, each step getting harder and harder...

The difference between runners who can push through and runners that slow down is strength, both physical and mental. Your mind must keep telling your legs to run, to keep taking those steps and to take them as quickly as possible, and your muscles to listen to your mind, even when they are tired.

All runners like to run! But not all runners like to strength train. Strong runners know that to be great runners they need to do strength training and plyometric (jumping) drills to build strong legs and a stable core.

With all that in mind, try this 8-minute strength workout to increase leg and core strength and snag that next PR! Do each drill for 1-minute before moving onto the next. Want more of a burn? Complete the circuit 2-3 times.

8-Minute Strength Routine

Jump Rope – Works feet, calves, legs, core and arms. Jump over the rope with both feet off the floor, no more than 1-2 inches in the air. Land softly on the balls of your feet.

Jump Rope 1 Jump Rope 2

Alternating Scissor Jumps – Works quadriceps muscles. Begin in a lunge position. Keep your front knee over your ankle, do not let it go forward past your toes. Extend both legs straight and jump upwards, as high as possible, swinging your arms for momentum. Land with the opposite foot forward.

Scissor Jump 1 Scissor Jump 2

Squat Jumps – Works quadriceps, hamstrings and calf muscles. Start in a squat position and jump straight up into the air. Jump as high as you can and land softly back in a squat.

Squat jump 1 Squat jump 2

High Knee Runs – Works legs and core. These are great for keeping your hip flexors loose and efficient. The stronger your hips are, the better runner you will be. Start with both feet on the floor, run in place while lifting your knees, one leg at a time, as high as possible, towards your chest.

High Knee Run 2 High Knee Run 1

Mountain Climbers – Works core, legs, arms and builds cardio. Start in plank position. Bring one knee up and forward towards your arm, extend back and repeat on the opposite leg. Repeat and alternate on both legs as fast as possible.

Mountain Climber 2 Mountain Climber 1

Side Plank Crunches – Runner’s need a strong core to be able to hold proper form during long runs. Good posture allows you to get full breaths to your lungs while running which results in oxygenated blood and muscles, meaning you can run longer and stronger! Lie on your right side with your knees straight. Prop up your body on your right elbow and forearm. Raise your hips up until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Raise and lower in a slow and controlled motion. Repeat on the opposite side.

Side Plank Crunch 1 Side Plank Crunch 2

Lower Body Russian Twist – Works core. Lie on the floor with your knees bent at 90 degrees. Create a V-shape with your body. Extend your arms in front of you and rotate your torso side to side until your arms are parallel to the floor. To make the exercise more challenging, hold a medicine ball in your hands as you twist from side to side.

Russian Twist 1 Russian Twist 2

Seated Scissor Kicks – Works core, back, legs. Begin by lying with your back on the floor. Lift your back and legs off the ground so you create a wide V-shape with your body. Alternate raising your left and right legs while keeping your back and core tight.

Seated Scissor Kick 2 Seated Scissor Kick 1

Having trouble motivating yourself to do strength work? Reward yourself with a new workout outfit. The gear featured in this article can all be found at SIX:02.

Also, I highly recommend that you have an additional pair of shoes for training that is separate from your running pair. Training shoes are built lower to the ground and are built for more side to side movement than running shoes. My favorites are the Nike TR Fit 5 Trainer!

Yours in running, Karen.

All photos via Keri Conwell.

{This post was originally published by Fiterazzi magazine - now Spright! Check them out for more great healthy living articles.}