Breakfast - The Most Important Meal of the Day

Breakfast! It's the most important meal of the day. We have all heard this at one time or another. I can't function without a proper breakfast, let alone go on a run. My energy crashes immediately after sleeping all night and then waking up on an empty tank. So what is the best thing to eat? Everyone differs on their opinion on this and what works for their body, but if you are looking for a few ideas for pre-workout breakfast, I am sharing a few of my favorites.

Oatmeal - Not the quick cooking kind. In a pinch or before a race, I may eat a packet of instant oats for convenience and the extra sugar from carbs, but day to day it's best to make your own version. Buy old-fashioned or steel-cut oats and cook according to directions. Add almond milk for a creamy texture and then add your own mix-ins. I prefer a handful of chopped walnuts and almonds, teaspoon each of ground flax seeds and hemp seeds, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries or whatever fresh fruit may be in season, and a touch of maple syrup or honey to sweeten.


Whole-Grain Toast and Almond Butter - My favorite bread comes from the Great Harvest bakery, but any whole grain bread will do. Just spread your favorite nut butter (mine is almond butter or Nutzo nut butter blend), and honey or a banana for a little sweetness and carbohydrates.


Smoothie - Berries are easy to digest and give you quick energy. I usually just make a smoothie with whatever ingredients I have available to me, but my favorites are berry blends (frozen blueberries, strawberries, mangos, peaches), banana, spinach, vegan protein powder, non-dairy milk (almond or cashew), flax seed, chia seed and fruit juice.


Stuffed Dates - If you have  a harder time eating before working out, you can eat a small calorie-dense food. I like to eat a few dates stuffed with walnuts for quick energy.


Each person differs in what their body can handle early in the morning. To prevent energy crashes and keep you eating less calories throughout the day, breakfast should be on your list of must-have meals. Find what works for you and then make it a part of your morning routine.

Have a favorite not listed here? Share it with me in the comments.