Live an Elevated Life


I have been thinking a lot about where my life is leading. I know it involves fitness and health, but I have no idea where the next 10-20 years will lead. Where they lead is something I have learned you can never plan. In college I thought I would be living my dream working in marketing for Nike by age 25 (that's still the end goal!). When I moved to Sacramento, I worked an office job, but started working in social media and sports marketing and began to see opportunities arriving at my door. Unfortunately for me, a transfer because of my husband's job led to a move and a completely different life. A small town leads to different opportunities. Thus, I finally had time to get certified as a personal trainer and begin to build some clients and start to share my passion for fitness. I can't say I am living my absolute dream life. That would honestly be a lie. But I am living a life where I find meaning in what I am doing, helping to lead people to healthier, fitter and stronger lives and I see potential in the future, with hard work and a little luck.

Last week I visited San Francisco, just a few hours from my home. The trails, the ocean and the bridge always make me feel like there is hope for the future and that dreams can be fulfilled. It's a city that has always welcomed me, was the home to my first marathon and has fueled my passion for running. I have met some of my biggest role models and friends and been inspired by them, their passions and their success.

SF stretch

The most important advice I can give right now is that no matter what you do, live an elevated life. Elevate your passion, elevate your dreams, elevate your purpose, but most of all, elevate your heart. Pour it out into everything you do. Give of yourself, give the laughter, the joy and the tears. Believe me, in the last year there have been more tears than I would have liked, but somehow I'm figuring this whole thing called life out. I'm rolling with the punches and I'm stronger for it. It's a process that is dynamic and constantly changing. You never know where it might lead, but eventually, I believe it will lead me home. Wherever that may be.