New Year's Gym Rush - Here's How To Avoid It


It's that time of year again, New Year's resolutions! Topping the list are resolutions for gym memberships and healthy living. But, you already work out? You aren't ready to give up your gym time to accommodate New Year's resolutions that probably won't last into February. Now you don't have to. Here are my tricks for avoiding the gym rush and still getting in killer workouts.

  • Obviously, I love running. Take your running outside, away from the treadmill rush and mad dash to grab a machine as soon as the allotted 30 minute time slot is filled. You'll not only be more at peace during your run, but will also reap benefits from fresh air and time with nature or on the trails. Wear the right gear and you won't have to worry about being too cold. Get a good hat, gloves and dress in layers. Wool blends are great for heat retention and breathability.

Take Your Workout Outside

  • Exercise at home. This doesn't have to be a permanent solution, but for a few weeks here and there try workouts you can do using body weight and just avoid the rush all together. Plus, you will learn new routines you can take with you anywhere. Give the 8fit app or Nike Training Club a try - both have great at-home workouts to keep your routine fresh. I use both in my routines and they are great.
  • Go to the gym at an alternate time. Go an hour earlier or a few hours later to avoid the pre-work or post-work rush.
  • If you absolutely can't avoid the rush, get a buddy to commit to going to the gym with you so you won't be tempted to skip-out. Plus you can push each other to get one or two more reps and will probably work out even harder than if you go it alone.

Come the end of February and beginning of March the gym will begin clearing out again and you can get back to your regular routine. Or better yet, you now have learned new exciting ways to enjoy fitness and will mix it up even more!

Outdoor bootcamps anyone?