Travel Fitness Series - Sydney, Australia


Hey guys! Sorry it's been a little while, but I have been globetrotting down under to Australia and North New Zealand. So what better time for a travel fitness series post, right? Traveling can wreak havoc on your fitness routine, but it doesn't have too. In fact, fitting in exercise and sight-seeing is a possibility. My husband and I's first stop was Sydney and we explored both in and outside the city.

Here is my harbor view workout.

Harbor View Workout

Start with a walk from hotel to harbor (or wherever you may be traveling) - about a half mile for me. Next:

Jog for 1-3 miles.

Push-ups. Do three sets of 10. Drop your chest all the way to ground and all the way back up to the starting position. Repeat. A park or bench is a perfect place for push-ups.

Travel Fitness Series - Sydney

Boat pose - 3 minutes. Create a v-up position with your body. Tighten your abs, keep your shoulders back and your back flat. Hold. Take breaks as needed and take in the view. Travel Fitness Series - Sydney

Stretch it out. Make sure you take 5-10 minutes to stretch your muscles. Find a nearby tree to stretch your quads, calves and hamstrings.

Travel Fitness Series - Sydney

When I travel I love to go out on runs because that means that I can see parts of the city I never would have if only traveling in a car or bus. Plus, I can keep my fitness up while I'm away from my normal routine.

I was hoping to run a race while in Sydney, but unfortunately, there were none going on while I was there. So I made my own course through the city. The views in Sydney are pretty amazing and I would love to run here more. Maybe some day I will be back for a race.

What do you do to stay fit while on vacation? Share your tips below and stay tuned for more in my Travel Fitness Series.