6 Reason's I'm Running the New Year


2016 is here and there is so much to look forward to. I have two jobs that I love, I'm finally get my trip to Australia and New Zealand, am headed to Florida for some Disney vacation fun and am excited about running this year and committing to my best fitness yet. Weight training, yoga and running are all on the agenda.

IMG_89666 reasons I'm running 2016

I have all the tools, all the access to training I need and the motivation. I just committed to Run the Edge's "2016 miles in 2016" training. I love the training plans, nutrition and support of the group. I am planning on splitting the mileage with a friend, but still plan on running 1000+ miles (as long as my health holds up)!

The coach's from Run the Edge are top notch! Tim Catalano and Adam Goucher (yes, Kara Goucher's husband) know their stuff and want to see you reach your best running yet. If you haven't yet, check out their book or read my review!

6 reasons I'm running 2016

So why am I excited about running the year?

  1. To prove to myself that I can do this.
  2. To challenge my fitness level and build base running miles and a plan to get faster.
  3. Nutrition is something I am constantly experimenting with and I plan to increase my health and wellness though nutrition focused on improving my running ability - yay healthy recipes.
  4. The friends! I can't wait to share this journey with my wonderful friends both here and around the world.
  5. The races, when running this many miles I am bound to run a few races (plus - as a Represent Running ambassador, I get to run and represent something I love).
  6. To inspire others to push themselves.

I ran 5 miles today and can't wait to run more - especially in Australia and New Zealand. Look out land down under! I'm coming for you!

Enough about me, what are you challenging yourself to do in 2016 and beyond?