Post-Christmas Gift Workout


I want to wish you, my wonderful readers, a very Merry Christmas! Congratulations on all your accomplishments this year. I am so thankful I have you all in my life. Now go treat yourself and your friends & family and enjoy your Christmas! If you have a few minutes, read on for my Christmas challenge workout. Christmas workout

Need a little  challenge before you go? I'm so glad you stayed. Here's one of my go-to Christmas workouts.

Post-Christmas Gift Workout

Step 1: Count up your presents

Step 2:  Put on workout clothes

Step 3: Do one set of push-ups equal to the number of gifts you received or gave (whichever number is greater) or for a real challenge add them both up!

Step 4: Run or do cardio indoors for the same number of minutes as you had presents.

Step 5: Hold a plank for as long as you can for the final burn. Aim for at least 30 seconds, but try for a minute+. 

Sound too easy? Repeat the circuit 2-3 times. Too hard? Modify as needed and perform cardio for fewer minutes.

Let me know how it goes in the comments! Merry Christmas!