Mix Up Your Workouts with Freeletics and NTC!

Where has the time gone? It is now June and summer is here, much faster than I wanted it to come. It was 104 degrees earlier this week and while it's "only in the 90's" as some of my California native friends have told me, I am not ok with it. It's this time of year I am thankful for early mornings, the Nike Training Club app, treadmills and air conditioning! I have been doing the #betterforit challenge from Nike Women the past few months, a schedule of workouts for 90 days, built to make you stronger and all around better at your workout routine and fitness regimen. This past weekend my husband downloaded the Freeletics app, and we added a few of their workouts to our program.

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The workouts we did with Freeletics were tough body weight workouts for time. The first one took me 8 minutes and was relatively difficult. I was breathing hard. Workout number two was much more intense.

Workout #2 with Freeletics

50 Burpees

50 Squats

50 Sit-ups

Repeat doing 40 reps of each exercise, 30 reps of each exercise, 20 reps of each exercise and finishing with 10 reps. When complete, you will have done 150 reps of each exercise and 450 reps total! 

This is not an easy workout! It took me 39 minutes to complete - mainly because I am so slow at burpees. The goal is to get faster and faster and compete all the repetitions with perfect form. I still have a lot of work to do!

The Freeletics app is much like the Nike Training Club app in that it pushes you through a series of exercises, but instead of doing the exercises for a specific length of time, you are doing repetitions as fast as you can.

It was a great supplement and change-up to my traditional workout routine. Check it out if you are interested in stepping up your workout. And join me for the final month of the Nike Women #BetterForIt challenge!

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Let's get stronger, together.