You're Only One Workout Away From a Good Mood


"You're only one workout away from a good mood" -unknown. This quote sits on my desk and reminds me every day to get moving. You know those days when you just don't feel like it and eating cookies and watching a movie seems like a much better choice? Yes, those days are when I need this quote the most.

This weekend was full of exciting events - one of which was my husband graduating from graduate school with an MBA! Congrats sweetie! The other was many of my friends running an amazing race in Toronto, Canada for the inaugural Nike Women's 15k. Lucky ladies. While I loved being there for my husband's big day, I was so sad to miss this amazing race with so many of my running friends and inspirations from across the country. I lived vicariously through their Instagram feeds all weekend. And this morning, I really didn't want to workout. Luckily, I had a client to train this morning so I had to get myself to the gym by 9am for work.

I kept repeating this quote "you're only one workout away from a good mood" and it helped. I did a 30 minute high intensity cardio circuit and felt so much better when it was over. I felt more alive and better able to tackle the day. Did I get my run in like I had planned? No. But I got in some activity and some days that has to be enough.

It's not always about how many reps or how many miles, it's just about getting out the door. Fighting the demons within that tell you to quit and coming out better for it. It's not always easy, but it is always worth it. Push yourself and challenge yourself every day. It's the hard times that make us stronger.