Misfit Shine Review and Giveaway


Misfit Shine

Through my work with Spright I recently got the opportunity to trial the Misfit Shine activity tracker and offer a giveaway of one to you - my faithful readers! Read on to learn more and your chance to win your very own.

The Misfit Shine is an activity tracker. I have had a few activity trackers in the past. The Nike Fuelband and Apple Watch. These were different to the Shine in a few ways. First - the Shine tracks calories, steps, distance and is waterproof like many other trackers. You can even challenge your friends with it. It differs because it can measure sleep, has a photo food journal and looks pretty sleek!

Misfit Shine

First let me tell you about me. If you don't already know, I work as a personal trainer and running coach, as well as a fitness writer for the 8fit app. With that being said, I lead a pretty active life and I love to see my fitness and health data to track my effort from day to day.

What I found really great about the Misfit Shine was its ability to track sleep. I've never had a tracker do that before. I'm a pretty light sleeper and tend to toss and turn. It was interesting to see the hours of sleep where I was restful or enjoying light sleep and how many hours of each type I received. I noticed a correlation to how tired I was the next day according to my hours of light and rested sleep. Now I know what I need to work on - going to bed earlier for one :)

Misfit Shine Review


Visually the Misfit Shine is sleek and lightweight. It can be worn around your wrist, as a watch, and clipped onto your clothing or even worn as a necklace. It's powered by a battery that doesn't need to be charged. Just replace it when needed. This is great for me because everything in my life requires charging it seems and my house is running out of power outlets!

Misfit Shine Giveaway

The shine also tracks steps and activities. So you can focus on getting your 10,000 steps a day. While my other trackers do this too - I felt like the Shine was a little more accurate. I can then use this data to adjust my workouts or to go on extra walks throughout the day to reach all my goals.

The Shine also allows you to take photos of your food and tracks it in your daily photo log. You can look back and see what you ate and how it made you feel or how your activity compared - whether it's veggies or cake - photos do not lie. Food tracking apps don't always have the foods you ate listed, so just snapping a photo seems like a genius idea.

I have been trialing the Shine for a little more than a week and look forward to using all it's features even more over the next few months. Last Sunday it even made it through the Spartan Super Obstacle Race I ran. Mud, water, sun - it survived it all.

One of the features I did not get to try was the lap swimming tracking. Since I don't have a pool membership - I will have to trial the lap swimming feature later on. I do love the idea!

I love that this activity tracker is inexpensive - $69.99-$99 depending which one you choose. It's affordable for everyone. Ready to track your stats and use the Shine to reach your fitness and health goals? Win your own courtesy of me and Spright here!