Nike Women's Half Marathon San Francisco Race Recap


On October 18th I participated in the Nike Women's Half Marathon in San Francisco. This was my fifth year running the race and second time running the half. The first three years I ran the full 26.2 miles. I was glad this was only a half and allowed me to enjoy the weekend events more than a full marathon would. This post has been a long time coming - but I am finally recounting the wonderful weekend that was racing and representing SIX:02 and Nike Women! Nike Women's Half Marathon

After training with SIX:02 for the past few months, race weekend finally arrived. I was appropriately geared up for the race and ready to go.

Arriving in the city Friday, I met up with the team at Spright for an awesome blogger dinner. Lynda, another Six:02 blogger came with me as we were roomies for the weekend. We were treated to a delicious, healthy lunch and chatted with some ladies at Spright that were also running.

Nike Women's Half Marathon

After lunch we checked into our hotel and headed to packet pick-up where we all got our tank and bib for the race.

Nike Women's Half Marathon

There was no expo this year, as Nike was encouraging all the ladies to see parts of the city by having different events, photo booths and an earring search throughout the city. I really enjoyed this aspect. It got me out and about.

There were eight different earrings you could collect. A few of my friends and I waited in long lines to try to collect them all, but I only ended up with 3 of them. Nike only had a limited number available each day. I was a little disappointed - but I see why they did it. It was a fun scavenger hunt idea and made them seem more exclusive. Congrats to the ladies that got them all!

Friday night we attended an NTC session with Nike Master Trainers and elite athletes on the Pier. It was an awesome workout with just the right amount of sweat and stretching to prepare me properly for race day.

Nike Women's Half Marathon

The motivational signs posted throughout the pier were perfect for the evening and set the mood for the weekend. Conquer your goals. Become #betterforit

Nike Women's Half Marathon

Saturday the group and I attended the NRC shakeout run through the city. Led by NRC coaches and athletes - I was so excited to be a part of this. Nike is changing running with their NRC concept and I love it. Free, coached weekly training. How could you not like this?

Nike Women's Half Marathon

Following the shake-out run the ladies and I explored San Francisco and checked out Union street where we had a great pre-dinner of crepes! My favorite!

Nike Women's Half Marathon

That evening we went to dinner with SIX:02 and Concrete Runners. It was a fun time with an amazing motivational crew in Concrete Runners.

Race day came early Sunday morning - 4am! After oatmeal and coffee, I got my race gear together and prepped for a morning 13.1 miles! My roomies and I got a slow start to the race corrals and I was running to make my corral 10 minutes before the race start at 6:30am.

The race course itself was gorgeous. Weaving through the city, Golden Gate Park and the Presidio. Mile 10 had an incredibly hard hill, but it was lined with this amazing view and NRC pacers to help inspire us to run to the top.

Nike Women's Half Marathon

After the hill was a long downhill and then a flat run to the finish.

Nike Women's Half Marathon

I hustled to the finish line and spotted a friend who I helped push to the finish! She was struggling and I was struggling and it was fun to help her finish strong.

Nike Women's Half Marathon

Found the Concrete Runners again post-race and shared in the fun photo sessions! Then after checking out the post-race festivities I went back to the hotel to shower and find brunch!

Nike Women's Half Marathon

Yes - this is how we do brunch! Runner's fuel! Thanks to my awesome friend Melissa for taking me to this restaurant.

And that is how SIX:02 and myself ran SF! Looking forward to next year and many more memories already. There is always a new chance to train, have a #six02moment and be #betterforit.

Nike Women's Half Marathon

Happy running!

{Photos: Myself and Nike}