Happy National Running Day

Today is National Running Day. This specific day was set aside for us to run, to reflect on the good and bad times we had with running and to connect with others around the world and in our communities that simply love to run. Since the evolution of social media, it has become easier and easier to connect with like-minded runners and travel the world to meet-up at races, encourage one another from afar and genuinely build a global community of sweat.


When it is all said and done though, only you can decide when you will run, how fast you will go and how far. If you are a current runner, you know that running is a challenge and running will change you. It's meant to be hard, it's meant to cause you to bend but not break.


Running has given me opportunities I would have never dreamed possible, but can't imagine not having. I have had the privilege of training with Nike Running and visiting Nike World Headquarters and Eugene, Oregon's storied Hayward Field. Learning about Steve Prefontaine, legendary runner, tragically killed in a car crash at just 24, forty years ago. I have worked with Athleta as a Run Club Leader and Sponsored Athlete and I have traveled to races, met countless friends that share my passion and have been able to become a running coach and show others the power to change your life that running gives.


Today - I plan to run with purpose. I hope you will join me in logging miles and sharing the joy of running with your community. Whether it's your first mile, 1,000th mile or 10,000th mile run, make it your best mile yet. I challenge you to run with purpose, run with light feet and a happy heart. Just run.

All Photos: Emily Star Poole