Goals for the New Year and Beyond


This new year has a different feel than all the last. Before I was focused on my fitness, my goals and where my hard work could take me. While I still have that drive, I now have a new addition to my life.

The Long Break

I admittedly have taken a bit of a break from writing, but if you have stuck with me or followed along on Instagram then you know that our little family became three back in October when we welcomed little Logan to the world. This was a huge, exciting change, that resulted in a longer break from this blog than I anticipated.

Goals for the New Year with Logan

When a Break is Necessary

Pregnancy and childbirth had its ups and downs and I just needed to step away from this area of my life. I did not have the desire to write and working a full-time job at Nike (which has always been a dream of mine) took precedence. Shameless plug : I was working on the Nike Running and Nike Training Club apps - go check 'em out and get those New Year's Resolutions started out strong! Back to reality, I have a few weeks left with baby before I head back to work and I'm going to use them to start working on goals and plans for 2018.

As a personal trainer, this year I have a few goals and I hope you will share the journey with me and tag along.

2018 Goals

  • Get back to my pre-pregnancy strength and fitness routine (hello weights!)
  • Run my 4th Marathon (I'm open to any and all suggestions)
  • Begin personal training and coaching again here in Oregon
  • Show Logan that I care enough about him and myself to keep up with self-care, my goals and my fitness routine.

I recently was approved by my doctor to work out again (I had an emergency c-section, more on that in a future post), and was delighted to discover that I can still hold a minute plank - but I have so much more work to do in building back total body strength and endurance. I will be sharing that journey here and whether you have been working out for years, are just getting started or are getting back into a routine like me, there will be something for everyone.

2018 will be my comeback year and I can't wait to get started! Come back to the blog Friday for my first workout and a preview of what to expect from me over the next few months!

Stay happy and healthy friends!