Burn, Baby, Burn Workout


I promised a workout Friday, and unless you follow me on my Instagram account, you would have missed my Friday Fav Workout! I just wasn't able to get to a computer to upload the video to my blog, but never fear, I'm sharing the workout with you now! This workout is a little different, a little bold and a little daring. It's my first workout video with my mini-me! Yes, Logan is a workout video star before his 3-month birthday. He was really getting into the workout in the last move too, kicking his legs like a champ. Check out the video below and join us!

Don't have your own mini? Then grab a weight, your dog, cat, whatever will make you sweat and make you work.

Burn, Baby, Burn Workout


To get the most out of the workout, do the following sets and reps. For more of a challenge, add more reps, weight, or go for speed.

The Circuit

  1. Weighted Squat x12
  2. Overhead press & squat x12
  3. Alternating lunges with a twist x12 each side
  4. Fast feet forward & back for 30 seconds
  5. Fast feet side to side for 30 seconds

Repeat the circuit 3-5 times! Burn, baby, burn! (See what I did there 😁)

Why This Workout Works

Being a mom is a full time job and fitting in a workout can be so hard. I don't want to ever leave my baby behind, so instead, I'm bringing him along for the fun and he is loving it.

We all want our kids to grow up healthy, so why not teach them from the very beginning that working out can be fun and a way to bond? This workout works because it is fun, fast and engages your baby the whole time. It allows you to build strength and cardio anywhere.

Build your best body while getting baby snuggles with this quick workout! Once you give it a try, let me know what you think and if you baby loved it!

Happy Sweating,



Disclaimer: Consult your doctor before starting any workout program and always keep your baby's safety first!