Light Up Your Run with Knuckle Lights


Disclaimer: I received a set of Knuckle Lights Colors to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews! Summer running has never been my favorite. The days get hotter and my times always seem to slow down. With anything, you can't control the weather, but you can control how you deal with situations and things out of your control.

Light Up Your Run with Knuckle Lights

How I Deal with Summer Heat Training

In the summer, I have to adjust my training schedule to accommodate for heat and sun. So, my training is either done in the early morning or late evening. Since the sun comes up early in summer, it's no problem for me to run then, except that I love my sleep! The trade-off is running in the evening or nighttime. This of course, calls for more preparation and safety precautions.

Along with reflective gear, I always try to bring a light with me. In the past I have used headlamps, but recently I was able to test out Knuckle Lights.

Knuckle Lights and How They Improve Night Training

I first heard of Knuckle Lights when I ran a Ragnar Trail race in Washington last year. I was intrigued but never really gave them a try. When the opportunity came up to work with Bibrave and test a pair out, I couldn't say no, and I'm glad I did!

Knuckle Lights are easy to hold in each hand and have a strap so your hands don't get tired from squeezing the handle your whole run. They also are extremely bright and light up the ground so well. I feel safer and that I have a better view of the road, trail or my surroundings when using Knuckle Lights.

Light Up Your Run with Knuckle Lights

5 Top Benefits of Knuckle Lights

  • Light up the road and keep me safer from cars or tripping on uneven ground
  • Easy to use and lightweight
  • I can adjust them easier than my head lamp and look all around me if needed (or if I hear a rustling in the bushes)
  • Battery powered and easy to keep in working order
  • Magnetic attachment so I don't lose both lights

On my training runs around Portland, I loved how they lit up my path and were easy to hold. They are so bright and really improved my sense of safety and preparedness for what might come my way during the evening.

Save on Your Own Pair of Knuckle Lights

Eager to give them a try? I'm giving you 15% off! Just enter code: BRKL2017" by September 1, 2017 and save. When you try them out - be sure to tag me and let me know what you think.

Light Up Your Run with Knuckle Lights

Happy night running!!