Gadget Alert for Fitness Lovers


This post is sponsored by MostFit and Fit Approach. All opinions and thoughts are my own.  As a fitness professional, I am always looking for fun, new fitness toys to try out. When I heard about the Core Hammer from MostFit, I was intrigued. It looks a little crazy, but it gets the job done!

Gadget Alert for Fitness Lovers

The piece of exercise equipment itself looks like a sledge hammer with a medicine ball attached to the end. Which isn't far from the truth. It has a handle and is meant to be swung  much like a sledge hammer, but with less danger.

Made of an 8 or 12 pound urethane head, this sledge hammer is made to be used without needing a tire. You can slam it anywhere you want. Grass, concrete, gym floor, it's up to you!

Build Your Core

It's not called the Core Hammer for nothing. This tool will work your entire midsection. With an element of instability, you have to really work to keep the hammer in line.

Alternate which side the weighted ball is on to add work to your whole core. Obliques, transverse abdominis and your back all get a great workout.

Gadget Alert for Fitness Lovers

Core Hammer Workout

Warm up with a 10 minute slow run

  • 10 reps of sledgehammer swings - right side
  • 10 reps of sledgehammer swings - left side
  • 10 reps of squats to overhead press - right side with weighted ball
  • 10 reps os squats to overhead press - left side with weighted ball
  • 10 reps squat to pass the pizza - right side
  • 10 reps squat to pass the pizza - left side

Repeat circuit 3 times.

Cool-down with a slow jog and stretch session. (See the whole video demonstration on my instagram!

Benefits of the Core Hammer

  • Durable plastic and fiberglass handle
  • 8 or 12 pound head (the round part), made of strong urethane. I have the 8 pound model.
  • Can stand excessive force!! So slam this hammer hard!
  • Made in America - woohoo!

Gadget Alert for Fitness Lovers

Get this Fitness Gadget at a Discount

Want your own? Step up your fitness game this winter with the Core Hammer from MostFit. Save 10% off with code: MFSW10 at checkout at This is great for personal, at home use, or for group classes. While it's a little hard to stuff in a stocking, it would make a great Christmas gift for the fitness lover in your life. :)

Gadget Alert for Fitness Lovers