How Have You Elevated Your Training Recently?


I'm a trainer and group fitness instructor, so I should always be motivated to train, right? Not exactly. I wish I could say that motivation and training inspiration comes to me in droves, but it just doesn't. Ninety percent of the time I'm pretty excited about getting my sweat on, but the other ten percent I often find myself dragging my feet.

Elevated Nike Training Club Workout with Nike San Francisco

A few weeks ago I participated in an elevated Nike Training Club workout with Nike San Francisco and my favorite trainer, Jackelyn Ho.

We sweated, we had fun and we did it all in the middle of San Francisco.

How Have You Elevated Your Training Recently?

We did planks for days and worked those low abs, upper abs and obliques. We busted our booties for 45 minutes and made new friends in the process. From individual drills, to partner drills, and "fire drill" laps around the park, we did it all.

How Have You Elevated Your Training Recently?

When we finished the workout, we all returned to the store for post workout treats from Perfect Bar and to watch the final episode of the series Margot vs. Lily by Nike Women. We also had a chance to chat and hang out with our newfound friends. After the workout, I was feeling rejuvenated and ready to kick some butt in my own classes.

How Have You Elevated Your Training Recently?

So what are my takeaways for those of you, who like me, might be facing some workout burnout every now and then?

Stop Workout Burnout with these 5 Tips!

  1. Grab a workout buddy. Friends can make all the difference. They push you when you don't want to push yourself and vice versa.
  2. Take a class from a new instructor. Do something your body isn't expecting. A new instructor can mix things up. New is good.
  3. Go to a new place and make new friends. Yep, step out of your comfort zone. Be the new person in class, change up your routine. You never know who you might meet and who might become your next workout buddy!
  4. Try new exercises you don't normally do. Change can be scary, but it helps so much! Do something you have never done before. Never bike? Rent a bike. Always wanted to try paddle boarding, now is your chance!
  5. If all else fails, take a day off and come back rejuvenated the next day. Sometimes what you truly need is rest. Give yourself one day, or two if you really need them, and then get back out there after you feel rejuvenated!

How Have You Elevated Your Training Recently?