Run The Color Run Baltimore and the World!


Disclaimer: I received a swag kit to review and a free entry to The Color Run Sacramento as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews! The Color Run Tropicolor 2016

If you haven't heard of The Color Run, you are missing out! The Color Run has races all over the country and the world. They are family friendly, photo friendly and tons of fun. I have participated in two of the Sacramento races and can't wait to participate again this year! I feel lucky to have been asked to participate through my partnership with BibRave.

The Color Run Baltimore

Swag and Color Awesomeness

The Color Run sent me this awesome swag kit to help promote the race. I am in love with the hat and probably will be found wearing it everywhere. It's just that awesome. I know the socks won't stay white for long after I run the Sacramento Race in them, I can't wait!

Right now, the race they are promoting is in Baltimore! I wish I could travel there. It's going to be a blast! There will be thousands of runners at The Color Run Tropicolor World Tour! It's bound to be even more fun than previous years. The Color Run says there will be more fun, more sun, and more color!

The Color Run Discount Code

In the meantime, The Color Run is coming to Baltimore on August 13th! So, Baltimore friends, you should sign up asap! It's an event you won't want to miss. You can save $5 on registration with code: BRP16

The Color Run Baltimore - Tropicolor!

What do I do at a Tropicolor World Tour race?

What does the race entail you might ask? It's is a 5k run/walk that is untimed, but you are more than welcome to time yourself. It's untimed to let you enjoy the course, friends and dancing through the color stations, yes dancing! It's just one big party, no reason to rush to be done - unless you can't wait for the after party!

The Color Run Baltimore - Tropicolor!

Doesn't this look like a blast? The answer is yes, absolutely it is! Check out all the different locations for The Color Run near you and get ready to party. This will be the most fun you will ever have running a 5k.

The Color Run Baltimore - Tropicolor!

Did you see my swag at the top of this post? Now is your chance to win it for yourself! The Color Run and I have partnered to give one lucky reader their very own swag kit. Just enter the rafflecopter giveaway below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway