Monday Motivation from Runner Csilla Fazekas


It's been a while since I've featured an inspiring runner on the blog and it's not for a lack of talent. I know hundreds of inspiring runners and I want to eventually feature them all. Their stories are meant to be shared to inspire us to continue the running journey. Today I want to introduce you to Csilla. Monday Motivation from Csilla Fazekas

How I Met Csilla

I first met Csilla Fazekas on Twitter. I really can't tell you how or when, but it was through my tweets and interaction with Nike Running and Nike Women and their respective NRC and NTC challenges.

We have a similar zest for life, running and fitness in general and just seemed to click. After sharing motivational tweets and inspiration we were both lucky enough to be chosen this past December to participate in the Nike "Get Out Here" challenge in Chicago. It was at this event that we finally met in person and got to discuss our lives and I shared about my journey with personal training and run coaching.

I honestly don't feel like I had enough time to chat with this awesome runner and regret not hitting her up in the evenings after all our running endeavors and training events in Chicago. Then, just a month later we were randomly in Sydney, Australia at the same time and somehow missed meeting up with each other. Small world, but I really regret not trying harder to sneak in a runner meeting. Lesson learned. Use the time you are given.

I asked Csilla to share her running and fitness journey with me to give myself and you all some inspiration. Read on to find out more about this world traveler and running extraordinaire.

Meet Runner Csilla Fazekas

Csilla Fazekas was living in New York, NY when we fist met but is currently based in Budapest, Hungary where she has immersed herself in all sorts of exciting new endeavors. She founded the Budapest Running Project and writes the blog Beans and Miles. She has been running for three years and has become such an inspiration, I can't imagine the running community without her in it.

Monday Motivation from Csilla Fazekas

How did you get into running? Can you share your running history?

I started running in the fall of 2013. I was never into any sports or anything that involved being super active. I worked in restaurants which required standing 7-9 hours daily, but besides that, I never did any exercise. Finally, one afternoon I convinced myself to sign up for the cheapest gym I could find in my neighborhood and stepped on a treadmill for first time in my life. I fell in love with running instantly, even though that 15 minutes of running (jogging) felt like hell. I was back the next day, and the day after... and so on. After about a month in the gym I had enough and started running / training exclusively outdoors.

How do you train? Are you a part of a running group? Do you prefer running with a group or alone?

I was very hesitant for a long time when it came to running with a group. I was scared and insecure. I’m sure that many of you can relate. I was also arrogant enough to think that I was doing my best solo. NOT EVEN CLOSE, but I didn’t find that out until later. Last June my husband and I visited Rome and Berlin. Spontaneously, I decided to join NRC’s (Nike Run Club) workout sessions while we were in town. In Berlin, they had a track workout the day we were there and needless to say I had zero idea what pace group I had joined (Hello there, metric system). I ran my fastest mile to that day, so runner’s high hit me pretty big along with jet lag. :) In Rome we joined them for a HIT & RUN session which involved 3 miles running and 600+ squats and endless stair climbing. I was beyond excited when we got back to New York and right away I signed up for Nike’s running sessions. I never looked back and I attended every session that my schedule allowed.

Recently, I moved back to my home country and started my own run club called BUDAPEST RUNNING PROJECT. We meet four times every week for different distances. This run club is my baby and I care for it so much. My goal is to introduce city running to the runners of Budapest. My motto is that “The city is my gym.” I have to teach what I preach. :)

What is your favorite memory from running?

So many great memories. If I really have to pick one it has to be the night when I raced the last tram in Hong Kong. They have a group called Harbour Runners who organize this unofficial race. I was lucky enough to have a friend put me in touch with their founder. Hong Kong’s double decker tram leaves from point A at 12:45am and has to make it’s way to point B (garage) which is 4 miles away on the other side of center HK. The task is that you run as hard as you can and try to beat the tram. Completely empty streets, dark, tracks, your heavy breathing and a very fast tram. :) It was my hardest 4 miles ever (and fastest). I lost the tram and I found myself running by myself at night in Hong Kong. It was an unbelieveable experience.

Monday Motivation from Csilla Fazekas

What race(s) is your favorite? Why?

Recently, I ran my very first official half marathon in Budapest which I enjoyed a lot. To be honest I can’t talk about racing since I rarely do any. Maybe some day I will get bit by the race bug, but for now I just run to feel stronger and better.

What advice do you have for new runners?

Stop doubting yourself. Running is a bitch and it gives you the sharpest mirror of your own character. It is hard many times. One day can feel like heaven, the next like hell and you don’t understand why. No one can explain it, it just happens. It’s the same for everyone no matter how long you’ve been running. We all go through ups and downs, but if you want to be better you must show up for yourself and never quit.

How do you use your blog/social media to influence your running?

Social media is power! I try to post every day a picture of my workouts. I motivate myself with it a lot. Sometimes I have this romantic idea during a hard workout that I will post my picture once I'm done. It’s always great to look back on older posts and remind myself how bad ass I can be. Social media is also the way to get noticed by brands. I was lucky enough to get picked by Nike to be part of their final #GETOUTHERE challenge in Chicago last December along with another 47 athletes.

I just launched my blog called Beans and Miles a couple weeks ago. I’m a total newbie, still testing the waters. So I can’t really comment on this yet. :)

How do you fit running in with your daily schedule, work, etc…?

Training is the most important part of my day. Number one priority. Sometimes I feel guilty about it even though I know that I should’t. When I still worked in restaurants it got quite difficult at times. Sleeping only a few hours and showing up for my Saturday long runs was hard but they were well worth it. As I said, I just started my run club so these days I run with them four times a week and I do another two workouts by myself. I add more and more cross training sessions to my schedule to make myself a well rounded, balanced athlete.

Monday Motivation from Csilla Fazekas

Do you have any favorite running gear our readers should know about (shoes, tights, etc)?

For my long runs I’m a huge fan of Nike Lunarglides (specifically the 5). They give me nice support and hold my ankle tight. I’m a Nike addict so most of my gear is from them. They make me happy just by looking at them. :)

Find her on social: 

Twitter: @beansandmiles / @budrunningprjct

Instagram: @beansandmiles / @budrunningprjct

Facebook: Budapest Running Project

A huge thank you to Csilla for sharing her running journey! I can't wait to run with you again someday soon. Until then, keep inspiring and getting those miles in!