Commitment and Consistency for Results


In any facet of your life, to get anywhere, you need to be consistent. The same goes for running, training and weight loss. The hardest part of beginning an exercise program is almost always taking that first step and showing up day after day, until it becomes a habit. Sticking with it is key to seeing results. I'll admit I have never been overweight. I have been an athlete and I know when my body is trained or when I am carrying an extra few pounds that may be hurting my performance. Often, if I have taken a break from training it is HARD to go back. But you know what? Every time I get back to training, I never regret it. Sure, the first day or two is hard, but soon my mood improves, my body gets stronger and healthier and I get more done in all aspects of my life.

I have recently started training a beginners group of runners, a sort of couch-to-5k program. The first day my group of runners came a little scared, nervous and timid. Now, a month into the program, they are getting faster, stronger and more confident. Friend groups have formed and more members have joined. It's an awesome program, with amazing results so far in fitness, but also in community support and new friendships.

Last June I had the privilege of joining Nike in Oregon for a three day event, the Zoom Project, where I got to train and learn from elite athletes, Nike coaches and Olympians. It was one of the best experiences I have ever had the privilege of attending. The point of this project was to give influential runners the keys and tools to take back and share the love of running in their community and I can proudly say I have been able to do just that!

Along with running we also do strengthening and flexibility training so they get a full body workout and help prevent injury. I am excited to see how my runners improve over the next few months and to see them run their first 5k race! Running is truly a sport built to give back.

I encourage you to find a running group in your community and see how they can help you get faster, stronger and fitter than ever before! And if there are no running groups available, don't be afraid to start your own, or sign up for one of my online training programs!

Happy running!