Nuun Review and Giveaway

I'm taking a break from my motivational Monday series to allow a few of my inspirational runners time to answer all my questions and to offer you an amazing giveaway! Today marks the 39 day countdown to running Hood to Coast with Nuun Hydration and a team of bloggers that love running! I think it's the perfect time to share with you why I love Nuun products and why I am so excited to run with them and join the Nuun team for HTC 2013.

Nuun products are great for replacing lost electrolytes without the sugar of Gatorade. The bottle is small enough to carry in your purse or keep in your car so you can always be prepared. All it takes is a bottle of water and one tablet to make the perfect sports drink. My favorite type of Nuun is their active hydration line. I am training for Hood to Coast, my third Marathon in October at the Nike Women's Marathon and my first Spartan Beast race. With all these tough workouts, I need to make sure I'm eating right and getting proper hydration. That's where Nuun comes in. Here is what I love about the Nuun Active Hydration line: 

  • Packed with electrolytes, light flavor, no sugars or carbs, and portable, Nuun Active Hydration is the perfect sports drink.
  • The electrolytes found in Nuun will help alleviate cramps, help muscles function, communicate and burn energy efficiently.
  • Nuun Active Hydration comes in 14 flavors: Banana, Orange, Lemon Lime, Strawberry Lemonade, Fruit Punch, Kona Cola, Lemon Tea, Tri-Berry, Grape, Tropical, Citrus Fruit, Cherry Limeade, Watermelon, and Lemonade.
My favorite flavor of Nuun is Tri-Berry. I really can't say that I have ever found a flavor I don't like. When I need a little extra kick I grad the Cherry Limeade because it has some added caffeine. Nuun hydration tabs can also be found in an all day version that is a great substitute for soda. 

I love Nuun because it helps power my workouts. With the heat in California, summer training can get harsh and Nuun helps me avoid dangerous dehydration is these tough conditions and it tastes great! If you haven't tried it, then today is your lucky day. You could win a 4-pack of Nuun to try! 

In honor of my upcoming Hood to Coast race, Nuun and I have partnered to offer you a chance to win a 4-pack of Nuun hydration! All you have to do is enter in the rafflecopter giveaway below. If you don't win, or are like me and just can't get enough Nuun, then use the code: hydrateHTC at checkout on their website and receive 15% off your order! That's simple enough, right? Good luck!

~Happy Hydrating!
a Rafflecopter giveaway