Monday Featured Runner - Elle Linton!

Happy Monday all! Today I have an amazing athlete, runner, and trainer to share with you. Her name is Elle Linton. I have yet to meet her in person, but based on our Twitter chats, her trainer greatness, (she's a certified Nike Training Club instructor) and all around fun personality, I can't wait to someday travel to London and take a class from her!

Elle is a personal trainer by profession and blogs from her home in London, UK at She loves to inspire others through her fitness journey and is always up for a challenge! I asked her a few questions about her running journey and she was kind enough to share her story with me. Elle has been running for six adult years, but many more childhood years, so she has plenty of experience and some great advice to share. 

How did you get into running? Can you share your running history?
I began running at about aged 9 or 10. I remember winning sports days at school, and being chosen to represent our school and country at 100m, 110m hurdles, long jump and triple jump. As I got older though, I suffered badly with anaemia and dropped out of sport altogether around the age of 13. I then started training again when I continued my studies at aged 16 but only really got into it after University. At that time too, I only ever ran on a treadmill for years before I found a love for running outdoors! I ran my first 5km race 4 years ago. For me, this distance was a long way as my body had only ever trained to run 100m! I then ran a 10km race, and without any training ran a half marathon last year! I finished the half marathon in 2 hours 27 minutes which I am very proud of. After that I decided I needed to take a step back and train properly for a 10km so that has been my goal for 2013. I wanted to complete a 10km race in under an hour, which I successfully did in April 2013 - now I'm aiming to scrape some time off each race I complete! I have my next race in July 2013 - The British 10km.

How do you train? Are you a part of a running group? Do you prefer running with a group or alone?
I have a run coach who provides me with a weekly training schedule so most of my training is done on my own. I do like to attend run clubs though, as I find I always run faster in groups as in events! I don't have a preference, but running with others is great for motivation. Also, being accountable to a run coach means that I drag myself out and complete my runs as it's no fun reporting to your coach that you missed a run for no good reason! I also regularly teach classes as a Personal Trainer and attend many different classes including Yoga, Body Pump, Pole name it...I'll have / will try it! 

What is your favorite memory from running? 
I ran a 5km race with a friend a few years back; she was pacing me to come in under 30 minutes. I remember getting close to the end of the race, begging her if I could walk for a few seconds. her response was NO! you need to run faster now! No walking!!! ...I continued to run and made it to the finish line in 27 minutes which was my PB at that time! It shows that sometimes you need to keep that voice in your head quiet that is telling you to slow down...

What advice do you have for new runners? 
I'd advise new runners to keep running...through the bad runs, the okay runs until they reach the good runs! ...Also, don't underestimate the importance of a warm up, cool down (stretching) and other classes such as Yoga and Pilates which can help to make you a stronger runner. 
How do you use your blog/social media to influence your running? 
I write up my run training on my blog mainly as a way of keeping a record. I include everything, the ups and downs so that other runners know they are not alone when they wake up and don't feel like going out! Twitter is also great for all the run chat to inspire me and then it's great when you get encouragement from others just when you need it!
How do you fit running in with your daily schedule, work, etc…? 
I like to run first thing in the morning so I know I have completed what I need to for the day and no excuses can get in the way. 
Elle has this advice for you:
You need to find your own niche...your own distance and what suits your lifestyle. Enjoy the stories and progress that others share but remember to only ever judge your progress on you! We are all individual, and we should train that way :)

You can follow Elle on Twitter: @X_eLle_S and Instagram: @ellelinton

I was really inspired by reading Elle's story and I love getting new training advice from her blog! She has helped me step out of my comfort zone and try new fitness classes. Have any questions for me or Elle? Leave them in the comments below!

Happy Training!