NTC Has Come to Nike San Francisco

I'm so excited for this post because I finally got to attend a Nike Training Club class in San Francisco on Tuesday night! I keep hearing how amazing all these classes are and even though I live two hours away, I knew sometime I would cave and make the drive! I finally got my chance and I took full advantage! 

Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge in the Fog.

I started the drive in the afternoon, and after a quick stop at a Costco and the Nike Outlet in Petaluma, I was on my way. It only took me about two hours to get to San Francisco so I was happy I seemed to have missed all the traffic. The toll booth I had to go through seemed to be down for some reason so I should be expecting my charge in the mail soon. Gotta love the toll roads! I arrived at Nike's Temporary Store in San Francisco just outside of Union Square about 30 minutes before NTC began. They are renovating their current store and I can't wait to see what they have done to the place. Their old layout was amazing, so I can only imagine what the upgrade might be. The temporary store is nice, but it was quite small. I looked around at the new products and amazingly didn't purchase anything! So surprising for me! 

While I was perusing the store Joselynne Boschen stopped me and said she recognized me from my Instagram feed! I really can't tell you how much this meant to me. It's really exciting to be recognized by a Nike Elite Trainer. She is one of my role models and I hope that I can be a Nike Trainer someday soon as well. She flew up from her LA studio, Alpha Venice, to teach us all NTC and let me tell you, I have been sore for two days! It always hits harder on the second day. Before I get ahead of myself, let me tell you how the workout went down!

Check-in Table for NTC

I was one of the first people to check in for NTC and got to pick up my tank top, NTC towel and water. Unfortunately they only had size large left in the tanks, but I'm using that as an excuse to come back again, to get a smaller size! I waited for a bit as people began to file in to the store and check-in as well. I got to meet one of the Nike Running College Brand Ambassadors, Samantha, and she was so nice! Nike, you chose a great ambassador! She's training for the Nike Women's Full Marathon so I'm excited to meet up with her again during NWM weekend, if not sooner! She introduced me to some of her friends and of course we took some photos!

Samantha and I at NTC!

After the photo session we headed out of the store and up a block to a large cement platform. Here, our amazing trainer, Joselynne, was waiting to kick our booties! There were easily over 100 people in attendance and the place was packed! We were asked to make sure we didn't block the entrances to the nearby stores. I was amazed at how many people came out and inspired. I really had to push myself and the friendly competition took everything up a notch.

Joselynn Demoing A Drill!

For those of you who don't know about NTC it is a class developed by Nike trainers based on continual movement and it is no joke! Even during demonstrations we were to keep moving. We started class with a light warmup and then the fun (torture?) began. We did burpees, planks, squats, plyos, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, ab work, partner drills and more. I was sweating up a storm and my muscles were shaking by the time the workout was over. For our final drill we all gathered in a circle and did 10 mountain climbers each, holding a plank while waiting for our group to finish. This was a new drill for me. It was hard, but fun to cheer on the others in the circle.

We finished the workout with some light stretching, which I always need more of and then I snapped a quick picture with Joselynne and Samantha! After all, I can't miss out on this photo opportunity! I'm not sure who is teaching the NTC class next week, but you really don't want to miss this! I would love to be an NTC Trainer and that is on my goal list. With NTC classes close to me now, I could see myself getting certified and leading out in SF. It would be a dream come true! NTC trainers are tough and really inspire those around them.

Me, Joselynne and Samantha After Our Sweat Session!

I also toured the store and tried to find someone who could help me plan a visit and NTC class from Leah Kim, Nike's Global Yoga Ambassador and NTC yoga workout creator. I really hope that I can one day take a class from her. She has really inspired me to do more yoga and I hope to see her in a store in Nor Cal soon! An NTC Yoga session from Leah Kim would be just what San Francisco needs to help rejuvenate after a long workout.

Nike Flyknit Display

The Nike SF store had a lot of fun displays and one of them was the Flyknit case. Inside showcases the drawings, knit and final shoe product. It's interesting to see the design process. Fascinating stuff that really makes me appreciate what designers do.

Run Club and NTC Wall at the Store

Nike San Francisco is really catering to the local athlete and making them train stronger. I find it inspiring that they are offering free classes and run clubs, just like the Athleta stores do. With the Nike Women's Marathon coming up in a few months I can really see them wanting to help athletes train, stay injury free and win! 

If you are near the Bay Area be sure to stop by the Nike store to see about taking a class. Nowhere is too far to come for this. I drove two hours, one way, to get there. Who can top that? I challenge you to take a live NTC class and you'll see the difference. Can't make a class? Download the free app today to take your training to a whole new level.

Have you ever been to an NTC class? Tell me in the comments below what you thought!