Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day weekend! I am so thankful and grateful for all the armed forces who fought and sacrificed so that I could enjoy the freedom to pursue my dreams. I am forever in your debt. To celebrate the weekend, and the fact that my dad is off his crutches and walking again this week after his ski accident in January, my parents came down for a visit and we went to Fort Bragg in Northern California. We had a great time exploring beaches, trails, trains, a lighthouse and the discovering the local wildlife. 

Aaron and I on the Skunk Train.

I have been experimenting with photography lately and I took a few photos that I'm proud of. The one below is from our hike to the Point Cabrillo Lighthouse. The colors of the flower were so vibrant. It's not a perfect photo, but I'm getting better! I saw a runner on my hike down and wished I had brought my running shoes. I needed to get out and run, but alas, I think the hiking we did was similar and probably a good rest for my body.

My parents headed back to Oregon this morning and I headed out for a tough gym session. I went for a one mile warm-up run and then hit the weight room for some leg work. I have really been feeling that my body is off balance lately so I am hitting the gym hard doing different exercises to target other muscle groups than just the ones used while running. If I am going to PR at the Nike Women's Marathon this year on October 20 then I have to make sure my body is in perfect shape. My focus now is core work, legs and yoga. I really want to get my body in balance. 

Today marked the beginning of a campaign that espnW is launching for the next 98 Days of Summer. It is a photo challenge they are holding on Instagram and Twitter. To participate and have the chance to win great prizes all you have to do is share a photo each day of whatever challenge they post. Today it was a photo of yourself at the beginning of summer. All the challenges are posted on espnW.com. Come back each day to post a new photo and tag it with #98DaysToShine and the day (#Day1). You could win many different prizes, from ipads to Google+ Hangouts to a trip to the US Open! I'm going to participate every day. Are you?

How is your training going? Did you have any races or long runs planned this weekend? Are you going to join the espnW challenge? I hope you have had a restful weekend and are ready to get back into your regular routine tomorrow. Holidays are nice, but I am ready to get back to my training schedule and daily activities.