Volunteering and a Tasty Snack!

In leu of going crazy while waiting to hear back from Nuun Hydration on whether my video has won an entry to run with their team in Hood to Coast, I am putting my thoughts towards my next big race, which just happens to be the Nike Women's Half Marathon DC! It is only18 days away and I am getting more excited as the race gets closer and closer. This is going to be one amazing experience and I am ready to live it up, meet amazing ladies and crush my race goals!

Today I got my confirmation for volunteering for packet pick-up on Friday morning in DC and then I will be volunteering to help with the Somersault Snack Co. booth handing out samples of their amazing sunflower treats! Cinnamon Crunch is my favorite! I first found out about their company at my very first marathon, the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco in 2011. I have since stocked up on their tasty snacks every time I go to Whole Foods. Seriously great energy before and after a workout. It's a power packed, superhero food! Yum! It's always the first thing I eat out of my race goodie bag. 

I love running and I am very excited to give back by volunteering to help these amazing race sponsors. I am also excited to meet Brandy on Friday evening and experience Washington, DC together. I am even more exited to run the race on my birthday with great friends! What races are you looking forward to running? Have you volunteered to help at any events like this? What is your favorite part of volunteering?