Stretching My Limits

Stretching Limits

I have been stretched to my limit recently. With so many changes in my life I have been struggling to get back into my routine of running and training and my health and body has been paying for it. There are aches and pains where they didn't use to be and moments where I question why I keep pushing onward, but it's in these moments that I realize that running and fitness make me who I am. I have never been one to back down from a challenge and I push towards my goals even when everyone around me says they are impossible. As cliche as it sounds, the very word itself does scream "I'm Possible!" 

This photo speaks to me for so many reasons. The power of a great picture is the feelings it invokes in me and this one says a lot. It shows me that dreams really are worth pursuing and that at some point I have to let go of my excuses and take those first steps into unfamiliar territory. It's not always easy and it's always out of my comfort zone, but I have never regretted pursuing my dreams even when I end up not getting the result that I want. Sometimes it takes me places I never thought I would go. My ambassadorship with Nike Women last year took me to San Francisco and I met amazing ladies I am still in contact with. I met some very creative minds and people at Nike that I am privileged and honored to have met and interacted with. I have learned so much from them about social media and the power of relationships. It has only served to increase my dream to work at Nike and be involved with their women's and running categories. 

I have followed the ladies of the Nike Sportswear Runway and SF Crews, She Runs LA Crew and Bridge Runners. At this point I can only dream of meeting all these ladies and running with them, but I am going to work hard towards reaching this goal and maybe someday participating in a Nike Running photo shoot and running the streets with these amazing ladies! 

This year, I have partnered with Athleta Roseville as their sponsored athlete and I love the support that they have given me in all my endeavors. Leading their running group has been an amazing experience and taught me about the power of community and how much other women can push me to show up and get a run done. When I was running the Shamrock'n Half Marathon in March, near the end of the race I was struggling with running strong to the end. It meant so much when I heard a girl say "Hey - it's the Athleta Sponsored Athlete!" Her encouragement and belief in me pushed me onward to a 1:53 half marathon personal record and my fastest three miles of the race. Runners are so supportive and I don't know where I would be without running in my life. 

I'm still eagerly awaiting an email back from Nuun Hydration saying that I am accepted on their team for Hood to Coast this year and I refuse to think negatively until after April 17, the day when the team is announced. It would mean so much to me to be a part of this team and I am hoping that my video showed my desire to run with them. Just one more way that I stretched my limits this year.

So 2013 is my year to research my goals, make a plan and then execute that plan to achieve my wildest dreams. I am going to stretch my limits and take risks. What makes you stretch your limits? How do you push yourself?