Hope for Hood to Coast & My Trainer Certification

Today I got my official "decline" letter from Hood to Coast, the "Mother of all Relay's" starting at Mount Hood Oregon and ending on the coast at Seaside. I wanted to do this relay so badly! Maybe in 2014 I will get to go. I did see that if you were able to raise $20,000 for the American Cancer Society you get automatic entry into the 2013 and 2014 races. I have been trying to figure out how to do this all day long. I don't have too much experience on the fund raising front and that is a daunting task. I may just have to keep trying for the lottery and hope for the best! I refuse to give up hope and if anyone knows of a team that is looking for another runner, I'd love to join! If you know how to fundraise hit me up with your ideas as well!

In other news, I am CPR certified yet again after my class tonight. That means all that is left standing in my way of becoming a personal trainer is deciding on the course I want to take and studying hard. I think I am going to go with NASM certification and keep looking around for a school where I can get a second degree in exercise physiology. I am also looking at becoming a certified running coach with the Road Runners Club of America. Fitness is my passion and I can't keep putting off my dreams with excuses. I want to be a trainer and that is where I am going to put my energy this next year. Living my dreams and my passion and turning them into a career will be a rewarding experience and I can't wait to  begin the journey. 

Coaching basketball this year has really opened my eyes to the joy of teaching others and watching them grow and learn new things. I love challenging myself and seeing progress, but seeing others challenge themselves, grow and succeed through my coaching is one of the most rewarding experiences I have had. I can't wait to see how the girls progress this season.

What are some of your goals, both fitness related and professionally? What is holding you back from achieving them?