Monday Fun-day!

Monday is always a tough day for me because it marks the end of my weekend and the beginning of a new week of work. I enjoy how much activity I get to do on the weekends and I do not look forward to going back to my desk job. Today was a very good Monday. First, the Nike Training Club app came out with new workouts and rewards from top athletes. I have been looking for a way to up my training and this came at the perfect time. I can't wait to do all the new workouts, especially Alex Morgan's new "Explosive Power Workout." 

Today also involved running basketball tryouts for the high school girls team I coach and seeing what they can do on the court. I enjoy seeing their constant improvement and helping them learn new things and grow as players. It's great to be around their energy and to share my love of the sport with a new generation.

I also found out today that I will be leading a running group in the near future. I'll be sure to keep you posted when I know more of the details, but it is going to be a lot of fun! Stay tuned! 

My next race is December 2 and I will be racing on a relay team in the California International Marathon. I am excited for this race because the energy level is always so high and the course in scenic and quick. I have gotten a little out of my training schedule but I will be back at it this week and training hard to be fast on course. 

How was your Monday?