Unstoppable Moments and My Nike Women's Marathon Training Plan Arrives!

Today was the completion of a rain delayed French Open final. But not just any final, it was a final pitting two players against history. Both had a chance to do something no one had ever done before and both were fighting hard. Rafael Nadal had the advantage of experience and a fierce, unstoppable attitude. Novak Djokovic had the advantage of nearly effortless shots and a host of wins in Grand Slam finals against Nadal. But this final had an air of change to it. 

Nadal came out swinging and quickly went up to sets to love (0 in tennis) and then the rain came, giving Djokovic a chance to get back into the match. After taking the third set, the match was called until the next morning to wait out the storm and coming darkness. 

This is how my morning began. I woke up at four in the morning to watch history and cheer for Nadal. With the power of millions of fans, a "Just do it" attitude, and grit, passion and determination Nadal dominated the final set and came out with the victory; denying Djokovic his chance of holding all four slam trophies at one time and setting a record seventh title win at Rolland Garros for Nadal. I can't think of a better way to start a Monday. 

To top it off, today is the day I was to receive my training plan from Nike Women and Nike Master Trainer Marie Purvis. I continually checked my inbox, texted and tweeted my #SistersInNike until we finally received them early this afternoon. I was so excited to start training and and see what my plan entailed. 

After reviewing the plan I can tell that the next four months will be a challenging and rewarding experience. I will need to exercise discipline and not give up. I will need to push myself in ways I never thought possible. I can tell that the plan will help me reach my goals if I put in the time. I already did my first four mile run tonight. It felt great too. I'm excited to see what this journey brings and what I can learn from being able to work with one of the best companies in the world and the best trainers in the world. Can you tell I'm Oregon born and bred yet?

So thank you Nike Women for giving me this chance, thank you Marie for a great training plan and all the support I will need over the next few months, and thank you #SistersInNike for embarking on this journey with me. This will be one for the record books. We will make ourselves Unstoppable.