Running and Stretching with Nike

I watched this Nike Running "I Would Run to You" commercial again this weekend because it just lights up my day. I love the girls outfit, the running dress is adorable (want!) and the layers of Nike gear she wears go great together. I also just think the story is incredible. I checked out the video again because Nike Running sent me a t-shirt printed with the "I Run to You Slogan." It is my new favorite shirt and I can't wait to wear it around town after a tough workout. It's a great way to promote running and remember my hard work.

I keep looking at the new Free Run shoes and I would love to try a pair for training. I feel like getting a pair of flexible running shoes would really strengthen my feet and legs on shorter runs. I have heard good things about them from a friend, but haven't tried them myself yet. They come in amazing colors too and I just can't decide what is the best one.

In other news, my journey to San Francisco continues tomorrow when I receive my official Nike Women's Marathon Training plan from Nike Master Trainer Marie Purvis. After receiving my new gear Friday and testing it out this weekend I am excited to officially start my marathon training. Today I went on a virtual run with my #SistersInNike. We planned on a seven mile run and all ended up doing it on the treadmill because of various weather reasons, flooding, heat, etc. I had a great run and felt stronger as the run progressed.

I was frustrated when I got to the gym and realized I had forgotten to switch my Nike Plus shoe pod to my new shoes and had to run holding my phone in my hand for seven miles using the Nike Plus GPS app. There was also a big difference between what the treadmill said I had run and what my phone said. According to the treadmill I ran eight miles, but according to my phone it was only seven. Lesson learned. I will never forget my shoe pod sensor again!

After the run I did a deep stretching routine with the Shawn Johnson Stretch routine on the Nike Training Club app. I also foam rolled my legs and back. My muscles were definitely feeling the longer run so the stretch routine helped to alleviate some of the soreness and tightness in my muscles. The foam roller is a lifesaver, often called "the poor man's massage," it felt amazing and my IT Band and hip flexors are much looser after 20 minutes of foam rolling. If you haven't tried this yet you must test it out soon, you won't regret it!