Eating for Success

One of the things that I have never really focused on is watching what I eat. I have always been fairly healthy and so I never really thought about what I ate. If I wanted a cookie, I had a cookie. Now, I am starting to realize the importance of planning out my meals and combining all of the nutrition, fruits, veggies and protein that I need.

Since I was selected to be a Nike Women Ambassador for the Nike Women's Marathon I have been focusing on doing everything I can to reach my goal of a four hour marathon. I know that being healthy, consistent, and smart with my eating will really help me stay strong during my training. I will be eating and running more than I ever have and I will need to focus on treating my body right.

I am a vegetarian so my eating has to be even more carefully thought out than many other athletes. But if Jason Lester, the ultra endurance athlete biking and running with Nike Better World through 16 states on a 4800 mile journey in 102 days can do it, so can I. Making sure I have the proper balance of protein, vitamins and essential nutrients takes time and planning. One of my favorite post workout snacks is a chocolate protein shake. Here is what I do to make a great tasting and protein packed drink:

1 scoop Life's Basics Chocolate Plant Protein
1 frozen banana
1 tablespoon peanut butter
Mixture of both unsweetened almond milk and chocolate almond milk

Blend together for a tasty after workout treat!

As far as fruits and veggies go, I am a fruit addict so that has never been difficult for me to get, but I have just recently started to focus more on vegetables and cooking them in new and different ways. Some of my favorites are asparagus, artichokes, broccoli, spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, snap peas and squash. Grilled, roasted, steamed and mixed with pasta, I love them all different ways.

Since my training for the Nike Women's Marathon officially starts on Monday I just made a trip to the grocery store and filled my refrigerator with fruits, nuts, and veggies. I will be planning out my meals this weekend so that I can stay on track to reach and exceed my goals for San Francisco. With my #SistersInNike supporting me I know I can achieve my dreams. The road won't be easy, but nothing worth doing ever is.