Nike Women's Marathon 2012

This is the best race I have ever done and it is in one of the best cities on earth. What is it you may ask? None other than the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco, CA! Registration is coming up on April 9th so get ready to put your name in the lottery for entry into this race. 
I had the privilege of running this race last year and I was able to do the whole marathon in 4 hours and 40 minutes. It was nothing short of amazing to experience a race with 20,000 other women all focused on a common goal. The spirit of camaraderie and the passion for running was amazing! I have never felt so surrounded by like minded individuals than I did at this event. Nike sure knows how to put on an amazing event. 

I hope to see you all at the race and around San Francisco. The views from the race are stunning and the fans cheering along the way pushed me onward when I felt like my legs would give out. This race is very organized and truly provides a one of a kind experience. The Tiffany's necklace and awesome Nike gear don't hurt either! 

Ladies, you do not want to miss this race! If you have participated in the event before or have any questions shoot me a comment or message me on Facebook and I'd love to chat with you about it. See you in San Francisco and happy training!