The Color Run

Have any of you heard of or done The Color Run? I am thinking of doing the San Francisco one this coming July. It looks like an awesome run to enjoy with your friends and family. Basically, the run is a 5k race that involves starting the race with a blank white t-shirt and getting sprayed with color throughout the run. You are the canvas and the race is your paintbrush. It is an awesome take on a traditional 5k race and is an awesome way to share a race with your friends.

I have done a few other 5k races and they are all very traditional. You arrive early, run the race and enjoy the expo after. The exciting thing about this race is that it is so different and the pictures you get are amazing! This is a fairly new race series as far as I can tell and it is sweeping the country. With 30 races across the country, this race is spreading like wild fire.

I'm always up for something new and this race looks like just the thing to put on my bucket list of must do races. I can hardly wait for registration to open on April 2 and to get signed up! 
Karen Poole5k, Color Run, Race