Zooma Napa Valley Runner Report - Beth Carter


The ZOOMA Napa Valley Ambassadors are excited to bring you our Zooma Napa Valley Runner Reports! Each week we’ll be featuring a ZOOMA Napa Valley half marathon or 10K runner on each of our blogs. As women runners, we want to use our role as Ambassadors to highlight and share the stories behind the incredible women preparing to run ZOOMA in June. Each runner has a special and unique story, and we invite you to learn about our runners through this series. Please feel free to click through the links at the end of each post to read about additional ZOOMA racers.ZOOMA Napa Valley Ambassadors

Runner Report: Beth Carter


Age: 37

Current City: Fairfield, CA

Race (10K or half marathon): Half Marathon

Why are you running ZOOMA Napa Valley?

I will be serving as a Pacer and am coordinating pacers for Zooma Napa Valley. I pace because I love to share the sheer joy of running with others, because I feel that in 25 years of running this is most valuable way I can pay forward the kindness and inclusion of the running community. I pace because I love to meet new people, help others reach a really special goal and generally love to run. I always say: “I will run any time, any place, any weather, any pace.”

When & why did you start running?

I started running 25 years ago. At that point because it seemed like fun and I wanted to know if I could do it.

How many races have you done & which was your favorite?

Too many races to count! A favorite? So hard to choose….. I did 20 half marathons last year, just hit a PR marathon this year (3:25), ran a 50K trail race in 2012…Helping my BRF/BFF finish her first marathon. Second, Napa Valley 2014 – quiet, perfect drizzly weather, great course, I just go to cruise and enjoy.

If you could pick one celebrity to run with, who would it be & why?

Francie Larrieu-Smith (5 time Olympian and Olympic Marathoner- 1992)because she demonstrated true sportsmanship more than 20 years ago when my team of cross-country runners stopped her mid-workout to talk to her. She graciously chatted with us and made time for others. I’d love to ask her these questions and many others about being a pioneering woman in running. And to thank her for her kindness.

What is your favorite running memory?

Can I choose all of them? Currently – my marathon PR race – hit my BQ with 15 minutes to spare….

What is your one running must-have?

Visor. Sun, Rain, wind….keeps those tickly little wispy hairs out of my eyes!

What is your favorite post-run indulgence?

Double shot, half chocolate almond milk mocha. (long runs only)

Who is your running inspiration?

Ann Trason, Francie Larrieu-Smith, Grete Weitz, Shalane Flannagan

What is the most important lesson you have learned from running?

To believe in me. When I doubt everything else, go outside and run; everything will be ok.

Read about more of our featured Napa Valley Runners on the ambassadors blogs here:

If you want to get in on the fun be sure to sign up! For more information about the race head over to the Zooma Run website. Sign up and receive 10% off registration with code: NAMB3 I hope to see you there!

Are you running ZOOMA Napa Valley and would like to be featured in our Runner Report series? Email runningonwaffles@gmail.com for more information!