Training for the Nike Women's Half Marathon with SIX:02


A few months ago I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to participate in the Nike Women's Half Marathon in San Francisco in October. This is my absolute favorite race and I was a bit crushed about not being able to go. Think tears, emotional eating and steering clear of social media so I didn't have to see all the excited acceptance letters into the race from my friends. No - I'm not proud of these moments. As luck would have it - the running gods had other plans. I was given the opportunity to run and race for SIX:02 with support from Nike in Portland. DREAM COME TRUE. I still believe that working for Nike at their world headquarters is in my future. I just have to be patient, work hard and show them how my passion and skills can work in their favor.

Myself and a few other blogger and social media friends and now SIX:02 sisters, are representing the brand in SF. I couldn't be prouder to represent and run for two brands I believe in. SIX:02: a store empowering and supporting women in all fitness walks of life and Nike: who has been my brand of choice since childhood. I'm so excited to create a few #SIX02MOMENTS and live #BetterForIt with a #JustDoIt attitude these next few months before the race on October 18.

This week training got real. I was surprised by a package showing up on my porch from Nike World Headquarters. Nestled inside were two full outfits and some motivation for training and running my best race in SF this year.

Nike Gear

Nike always impresses me with their packaging. It's so clean, fresh and motivational. As the quote says: "Keep Pushing Yourself." Thank you, Nike Women, don't mind if I do. I'm so proud to represent the #SwooshLife.

Training for the Nike Women's Half Marathon with SIX:02

The gear itself is always fresh and in style. For me, it really is never about the gear (though I absolutely love all of it and being able to always keep my wardrobe fresh thanks to Nike). For me, this experience is all about the people. I want to motivate you to run your fastest mile, your fastest race. I want to learn more about the brand and work in partnership with Nike and SIX:02 and I want to prove to myself that I can run a fast race in SF and inspire other women to achieve their dreams.

I don't always feel inspirational. I try my hardest, however if I am absolutely honest, I would have to say that sometimes my motivational posts are as much for you all as they are for me. I'm far from perfect with my running and training goals, but I refuse to quit. Every time I fall down, I get back up.

The thing about distance running - about a race like the Nike Women's Half Marathon - is that it truly teaches you to keep pushing forward in all areas of your life. No one looks forward to every run, to every training session, but they do look forward to achieving a goal. To feeling strong, empowered and accomplished.

Back in 2011, I ran my first 26.2 mile race at the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco, when they still had that distance. The race changed me. I did not train the best that I could. In fact - my longest training run before the race was 14 miles. But you know what happened? I finished the race. I had mental battles, IT Band pain and I was TIRED! But I persevered and that is truly what racing is about. Facing obstacles, not letting them stop you in your tracks and finding a way to the finish.

So - if you are running the Nike Women's Half Marathon this year, or any race, know that it will challenge you and it will change you. If you are racing in SF in October - I look forward to seeing you there. Let's meet up!

What are you most looking forward to at the Nike Women's Half Marathon? Let me know in the comments!