Freekeh Foods Review & Giveaway


This is a sponsored post through Fit Approach on behalf of Freekeh Foods. All opinions are my own. As someone who cares a lot about what foods go into my body, I was excited to give Freekeh a try last week. Freekeh is created by roasting or burning off the outer straw and chaff of the wheat and then rubbing it off. It is originally from Arabia but is making a showing in the states recently. A few weeks back I received two bags of Freekeh Organic Roasted Green Wheat and tested it out in a few recipes. You can use Freekeh in soups, salads, pilafs and as a replacement for rice or quinoa. It can even be made into a hot cereal similar to oatmeal.

Freekeh Stir-Fry

The main dish I tried was a vegetable stir-fry with Freekeh as the base in place of my usual quinoa. It takes about the same length of time to cook as rice and comes out with a similar consistency. No complaints from this girl! It had a great flavor and was filling. I received an Original flavor and Rosemary Sage flavor and loved the taste of the Rosemary Sage with the vegetables. The Original would be great cooked and made into a hot cereal with a little almond milk, fruit and maple syrup to sweeten.

Freekeh is a great base in many recipes. I know this winter I will be adding it to soups as a source of protein. One serving of Freekeh contains 6 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber with only 130 calories. It's a great addition to your next healthy dinner. For free recipes be sure to visit their website.

Ready to try it for yourself? Enter for a change to win your very own bag of Freekeh below. Good luck!

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