The Benefits of Hill Running


Why You Should Run Hills Let's face it. No one really likes to run hills. We like what hills do for our body (and our booty!), but does anyone truly enjoy running up a steep hill? Getting the heart pounding, feeling every muscle straining to pull our bodies upward and gasping for breath all comes along with hill repeats. No - hill running is not for the weak.

Hill running is, however, necessary for many reasons.

Running hills builds speed. To a point - this goes without any explanation. If you can run a steady pace up a hill, you are bound to have increased your stamina for flat running and are an all around kick-butt person!

Hills build endurance. Try hill running for a few weeks and then head out on your regular route on flatter ground. You'll notice a huge boost in endurance. Your muscles, lungs and heart have all gotten stronger and provide a great base for distance increases on less hilly routes.

You'll feel like you can do anything. Yes - summiting the top of a huge hill or mountain builds confidence like no other. You may even find yourself hashtaging things like #beast, #beatthehill and #bootykicker, etc.

Your race is on a hilly course. Fact - you can't break any PR's if you have been training on flat land for a hilly course. If you train on hills at least two days a week then the course will be relatively "easy." If you dread hills and refuse to train on them, guess what? You will still hate hills on race day. Do yourself a favor and train for hills! It makes a world of difference.

Now what? You know hill running is great for you - so go ahead - go run some hills! Don't worry if you aren't used to hill running. Start slow and at your own level. Try by sprinting 20 seconds up a hill. Walk down. Repeat 10 times. Gradually increase the sprint time as you get stronger.

Let me know how it goes! Have a great hill workout you want to share? Leave me a note in the comments.