Step Out of Your Comfort Zone


This past year I have tried to focus on stepping out of my comfort zone. It is not easy. I wish that it were. It would make life so much more exciting. I've always been pretty brave when it comes to wearing bold colors when working out, traveling by myself or going after my goals, but there are some things that create more trepidation than others. Nike Flyknit Racer

My husband just started taking flight lessons this past month. He loves it and he was soloing at 7 hours of flight time. I want to take lessons for practical reasons, just in case I'm in the air and something happens and I need to know what to do. It's also safer to have a co-pilot, but it is a bit frightening. I just always hear of small planes crashing and so that thought is in the back of my mind.

But...I need to step up and take flight so to speak. It's so much different than running. All you need to run is a pair of shoes and the will to get out the door. Flying is a bit more time consuming and a big learning curve. But it will challenge me and will hopefully make me a more well-rounded person. I am sure there are lessons to be learned and many exciting adventures to be had if I take that first step. After all - just think of how much quicker it would be to get to a destination race if I could just fly directly there in my own plane.

Is there something you have been stopping yourself from doing because of fear? Something that would be a great experience if you just got out of your own head and took a chance? Let's do just that. Tell me what you challenge is and let's face them together. Stay tuned right here as I share my flight journey over the next few months. First step - scheduling that first lesson!