Sunday HIIT Workout


Karen Sprint Start

Photo: Emily Star Poole

High Intensity Interval Training is one of the best ways to get in a quick workout with great results. The idea behind high intensity exercise is that it you are pushing your body to 80-90% of it's max work for short intervals, recovering and then hitting it hard again and repeating this cycle for 20-30 minutes. Ideally, you are performing high intensity exercise for 20 seconds on - resting for 10 seconds and repeating this cycle for the duration of your workout.

According to,

"A recent study compared participants who did steady-state cardio for 30 minutes three times a week to those who did 20 minutes of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) three times per week.

Both groups showed similar weight loss, but the HIIT group showed a 2 percent loss in body fat while the steady-state group lost only 0.3 percent. The HIIT group also gained nearly two pounds of muscle, while the steady-state group lost almost a pound."

Putting your body through high intensity exercise not only allows you to spend less time at the gym, but also gives you better results in a quicker time frame. Try this HIIT Workout at home:


Warm Up

Minute 1: Slide and Glide

Minute 2: Jumping Jacks

Minute 3: Toe Touches

Minute 4: Butt Kickers

Minute 5: High Knees


Minute 6-9: Squat Jumps (20 seconds on - 10 seconds rest - repeat 8 times)

Minute 10-13: Push-ups (20 seconds on - 10 seconds rest - repeat 8 times)

Minute 14-17: High Knees (20 seconds on - 10 seconds rest - repeat 8 times)

Minute 18-21: Bicycle Crunches (20 seconds on - 10 seconds rest - repeat 8 times)

Minute 22-25: Burpees (20 seconds on - 10 seconds rest - repeat 8 times)

Cool Down

Minute 26-30: 5 minute cool-down jog


Stretch for 5-10 minutes (calf stretch, butterfly stretch, pigeon stretch, cobra)

This workout is intense and your muscles will be burning. Push through and you will see great results. Your body is capable of more than you think. If 8 rounds of each drill is too much, take it down to 4 rounds and work your way up to 8.

Happy Training!