Running Fears - Challenge Yourself

I coach a running group twice a week here in Ukiah, CA and this past Thursday it rained (finally!) for about two hours. Of course those few hours were right before my running group met and I received numerous texts from my runners that they would not be coming. They feared melting and other such soggy adventures. Their fears, though unfounded, made me think about my own. I am originally from Oregon, so I actually love running in the rain. It's not really an option NOT TO for most months of the year. I think it feels awesome to have those rain drops running down my face and puddles to jump. It makes my run seem more adventurous and not as tedious as longer runs sometimes can be.

My biggest running fear is HEAT. I despise running in temperatures above 80. Give me rain and 50 degrees any day. I actually really do burn instantly - 20 minutes in the sun and I'm already red. Yes, I am one of those people who wears SPF 100, I know they say it doesn't actually add more protection, but I feel more protected and I am not taking any chances!

With the above temperature and climate changes in mind, I would like to propose that our least favorite weather, running drill or even person are the things that make us better. Better than we were yesterday. Nike Women recently launched their #betterforit campaign, challenging all athletes - not just elite athletes - to do something to become better. Run one more mile, go to a new class, sign up for a race. Do the thing that challenges you.

We become better when we are challenged, when we push ourselves. You have to get out of your comfort zone to achieve new and exciting things. Don't let rain, or heat or anything else that challenges or scares you get in the way of your goals. Go out there and become #betterforit!