Running For Hot Chocolate


Disclaimer: I received a free entry into the Hot Chocolate run San Francisco as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews! Chocolate. I love it. Dark chocolate, chocolate with hazelnuts, hot chocolate - I really have never found chocolate I don't love. How could I pass up the opportunity to participate in the Hot Chocolate race in San Francisco? The answer is, I couldn't. It's a good thing that I signed up this year too, because we recently found out that my husband and I are moving to Portland (more on that later)! This will be my last local race in the Bay area. Plus - check out that awesome medal!

Running for Hot Chocolate

Training for the Hot Chocolate race

The Hot Chocolate race has a 5k and a 15k option. I chose the 15k with big plans to train well and crush this race. But, alas with moving and everything that is come up in life recently, I chose to put training on the back burner. Could I have trained better for the race, absolutely. But I did not, and now Sunday will be a test of my mental strength to knock out this 9.3 miles. But hey, with chocolate waiting for me at the finish I am happy to be running!

I have still been running, but it has been sporadic training to say the least. 3-5 mile runs here and there, with some weight training mixed in. I'll make it to the finish, but it will be far from my best time.

Race Freebies for You!

No matter what city you live in, you can run this race! I am specifically promoting San Francisco, because that is home for me, but if you want to run other places - go for it!

Running for Hot Chocolate

Every runner that registers with the correct code below gets a FREE Hot Chocolate Visor! Races that qualify and accompanying codes are below: HC San Fran (1/8/17) - Code: BRSFHC HC ATL (1/22/17) - Code: BRATLHC HC Dallas (2/4/17) - Code: DALHCBR HC Nashville (2/11/17) - Code: NashvilleBRHC HC Vegas (2/26/17) - Code: BRVEGASHC HC Seattle (3/5/17) - Code: HCSEABR HC San Diego (3/19/17) - Code: SDBRHC HC Philly (4/1/17) - Code: BRPhillyHC HC Minneapolis (4/15/17) - Code: MinnHCBR

See you in SF

I can't wait to see a lot of you on the starting line or at the finish of the Hot Chocolate 5k or 15k! Look for me in my bright orange BibRave gear and say hello! Good luck!