What Makes Runners Run Even When It Hurts


Recently I've had a few clients ask me if I like pain. I've never really thought about it that way, but running can definitely be a pain. It hurts to push yourself past your limits when you run. When your heart and lungs want to quit, it's your mind you have to convince to keep going, even though it hurts. When you're trying to convince yourself to start in the morning, you have to tell yourself how much it will be worth it when you are done, push yourself up, and get moving. What Makes Runner's Run Even When It Hurts

So why do I do it? Why do millions of others do it? What's the point? There has to be one, right? Besides the obvious health benefits, there are many reasons to run. Friends, the post run bliss, the challenge. Running itself has taught me a lot about life.

Running with Friends

Running solo is never as fun as putting in miles with a friend. A friend takes your mind off the pain of running. They challenge you to run faster, or help you hold back when you need to train at an easier pace. Friends cheer you on when you are feeling down or when you are running a PR. Friends know the pain of running and they know that it is always worth it in the end. That's why they always cheer you on.

Post Run Bliss

You know, that post run feeling where you think you can take on the world? That makes all the muscle pain during running worth it. After a run you may feel tired, I often do, but you will also feel blissful and accomplished and full of life. Your heart beats a little stronger and your step is a little lighter.

The Life Challenge

Running is a challenging sport. It is unforgiving. It is a lot like life in that way. Running teaches you to push through the hard parts of your training, as well as the easy parts. Life is always hard. We all have dreams, goals, relationships, and challenges to face. Running can make those things easier. Often, going on a good run helps me sort out my problems or run out my feelings. Running also teaches me to push past obstacles and work through hard times, because when they are over and through, they will be 100% worth it!

Running isn't always perfect. In fact, most of the time it doesn't even feel good. But it teaches you to persevere, helps you grow, and keeps you healthy and feeling alive.

So, do I like pain? I guess I do. Because pain has taught me to persevere and has taught me to never give up. Pain makes you stronger. So I embrace it, welcome it even. Running has changed my life for the good and I hope it has changed yours.