Long Run Saturday City to the Sea Training


The long run. It can strike fear and anxiousness in even the best runners. I have definitely been struggling to get my long runs in lately. With the City to the Sea Half Marathon just 7 weeks out I'm starting to get serious. Should I have gotten serious earlier, yes, but as they say. Better late than never.

Long Run Saturday

I did my first 8 mile long run on the track Saturday morning. I warmed up and ran slowly while chatting with a friend for the first few miles. I definitely wasn't going as hard as I could, but it served as a good warm up for the next 5 miles. Running a long run on the track is not ideal, but I had a few groups of friends showing up at different times, 7am and 8am, so I would have company for the whole thing.

Long Run Saturday City to the Sea Training

Why are Long Runs So Hard

One of the hard things about getting my long runs in lately has been that I really don't enjoy running far in Ukiah. I like bigger cities, more vibrant city life, endless trails and sidewalks and robust running groups. That is just not the scene here in Ukiah and when a long run can be all the way from one town to another on small backroads, I'm not super thrilled to do it.

In reality, these are all just excuses, right? I should be able to run anywhere. There really is no excuse that is good enough. I always tell my clients this too. So, I need to eat my excuses and suck it up and run!

No More Excuses

This week is all about getting in some speed work and a few longer midweek runs, around 4-6 miles each. In fact, today (Monday), I did a 4.5 mile speed run at the track.

1.5 mile warm-up

6 x 400's at 6:00 minute mile pace (1:30)

1 mile cool down

My excuses can be excused! This week I'm nailing down my training and taking control of this half marathon. My original goal was 1:45, but life seems to always get in the way. Or perhaps I was just lazy. So the new goal is under two hours. Sub two-hours, I'm coming for you!

Join Me and Save

Interested in running this race? You absolutely should! There is a half marathon and 5k option and I would love to see you there. Save $10 on registration with code: citytotheseabibrave.

Treat Yourself

Long Run Saturday City to the Sea Training

So, I may not have been getting all my long runs in, but when I do I treat myself! So there will be a lot more of this over the next few weeks. Yep, I did it. Strawberry-Peach Belgian Waffles with scrambled eggs and whipped cream. Breakfast of champions and a pretty good post long run refueler. Carbs, fat and protein are all covered.

With breakfast like this, perhaps I will start to add multiple long runs into my routine each week. :)