Join Me at the NTC Tour in Santa Monica

I posted this on Instagram a few days ago, but wanted to share this with my blog readers as well. Back in April 2011 I started training with the Nike Training Club app from Nike Women and since then have watched the program grow into a worldwide phenomenon and live class event. At the Nike Women's Marathon in 2011 I took my first live #NTC class from Marie Purvis. I was hooked! I have since trained for more than 22,000 minutes with the app and live classes at Nike San Francisco! It's an amazing full body workout that works really well with cross training for running. 

ImageThe NTC Tour is now coming to Santa Monica on March 14-16 for a weekend full of workouts! I'm looking forward to enjoying the event, even with the struggles I have had to get there. I'm making it happen one way or another! Car pooling, sleepless nights and long days at the office prior to the event to make it possible are just a small price to pay. After all, this girl is one of Nike Training Club's biggest fans and promotors. 

Hopefully one day soon you will see me as an Instructor leading NTC workouts! I would love to bring live NTC classes to my local gym. Dream big right? Want to join me? Sign up here: 

Let's get fit together!