It's Time to Spartan Up!

Hi friends! Today I wanted to share with you all a book I am looking forward to reading when it is released. I am always looking for motivational books and what better motivation is there than motivation directly from the founder of Spartan Races? If you know me, or read my blog on a regular basis, you know I am always up for a challenge. One of the challenges I love to tackle is running distance races and recently I have wanted to enter the world of Spartan Races! In preparation for my first Spartan Beast race this year I am planning on reading the book, Spartan Up!, by Joe De Sena, who is the owner and driving force behind the Spartan races. The book is going to be released on May 13, 2014 and I can hardly wait to get my hands on a copy! Click on the photo below to pre-order yours from Amazon!


I always hear great things about Spartan Races and how life changing the experience is. My friend, that participated when I was unable to due to an unexpected visit from extended family, absolutely loved the race. It's challenging and rewarding. When you complete a Spartan Race you have more confidence and can carry that confidence into other aspects of your life, both work, relationships, and of course, more races!

One excerpt that I love from this book is the quote: "Every obstacle presents us with an opportunity to change our life. Learn to be fearless, relentless and light that fire inside." You can watch the short preview of the book release here.

In life, I am constantly looking for ways to improve and better myself. I want to constantly grow, face challenges and learn from them. As Joe writes, "Who says easier and faster is always better? Adversity paves the road to success." Spartan Races are more than just one run, they represent a lifelong commitment to chasing new challenges, facing obstacles and overcoming them. If you want to learn more about this philosophy and the driving force behind Spartan success you don't want to miss out on reading this book.


Joe De Sena sums up the book in this way:

Spartan Up! will comprise 10 chapters, designed to teach you to systematically apply the Spartan way to every aspect of your life: food/diet, working out, health, business or work, education, relationships, parenting. Chapters will be structured around the following:

  1. A visceral description of an obstacle from Spartan races that symbolizes the greater life challenges. Whether it’s mud or ice water or greased walls, the rationale behind creating each obstacle will shed light on the lessons to be learned from it. By the time the reader reaches the end of Spartan Up! they’ll feel like they’ve run an entire race and have that same sense of accomplishment and empowerment.
  2. Guidance and advice on applying the lessons of the obstacle to their own life. The limits of brute strength and force; when to seek help and when to go it alone; how to overcome your weakest link—these are dilemmas that all of us face in everyday life. By the time you finish this book, you’ll have a much more finely honed sense of how to navigate everyday life, much as you navigated one of our gauntlets.
  1. Examples from my own history in adventure racing and business that illustrate the points being made in the chapter. My own unique voice and life experience will shine through at every turn, and while some may initially see me as a life coach from hell, they’ll come to realize that I have a heart of gold (albeit a well-conditioned one). I simply want them to experience the same breakthroughs I have.
  2. Examples from those who have already undertaken the Spartan challenges. The stories of these people will place readers on the edge of their seat, because they see so much of themselves in the tales. Many of these people were leading unsatisfactory lives and filled with self-doubt before entering a Spartan Race. But doing such extreme racing in short periods of time merged their work and their play, allowing one to bring meaning to the other.

Other events breed sheep. Spartan Race breeds wolves. The lifeblood of Spartan Up! will be the inspiring tales of these individuals who have used our races to change their life for the better, for good. 

Joe put his heart and soul into this book and it is sure to give you the tools to take on any challenge. I can't wait to learn from him and apply these principles to my own life. I am ready to Spartan Up! Are you going to join me?