NRC Hill Run Workout with Nike Melbourne


When I was in Melbourne this past week, I attended a Nike+ Run Cub session and it was well worth my time. I am always looking for ways to mix up my training. This session definitely helped give me new and fresh ideas for my current & future sessions. I hope my clients are ready! NRC

The session was a mash-up of hill sprints and HIIT. The thing I liked about this session the most was the focus on form and training like you are a professional athlete. Like the coach said, there is no use doing a workout if you are only half committing.

With this in mind. I put forth my full effort during the entire workout. I've recreated it for you to follow below. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

NRC Nike+Run Club Melbourne Workout


Warm-up: 1 mile at an easy pace.

Form drills (I may be forgetting to mention one or two - but these were the basic drills):

  • Walking on tip-toes with small steps (to activate glutes)
  • A-Skips
  • High Knees
  • Butt Kickers
  • Side lunge squat (walking 10 steps one direction and 10 steps the other direction keeping glutes/keep butt down)

The Workout

Round 1

  • Hill sprints: 25 meters (3 sets)
  • Squat hold & pulse - 30 seconds
  • Squat Jump - 30 seconds
  • Lunge jumps - 30 seconds
  • Mountain Climbers - 30 seconds
  • Jog - 1 minute

Round 2

  • Hill sprints: 50 meters (3 sets)
  • Squat hold & pulse - 30 seconds
  • Squat Jump - 30 seconds
  • Lunge jumps - 30 seconds
  • Mountain Climbers - 30 seconds
  • Jog - 1 minute

Round 3

  • Hill sprints: 100 meters (3 sets)
  • Squat hold & pulse - 30 seconds
  • Squat Jump - 30 seconds
  • Lunge jumps - 30 seconds
  • Mountain Climbers - 30 seconds
  • Jog - 1 minute

Cool-down run - 1 mile


After this workout my glutes were sore for a few days. But that good sore - where you know you worked hard and you put everything into your workout. You know you will come out stronger.

Give it a try and let me know how you do!