Get Ready to Run Your Fastest Mile


If you follow me on social media then you know that I have been participating in the Nike+ Running challenge to run my Fastest Mile on August 30th. Since the race is this Sunday - this week is taper time. The beginning of the challenge was 8-weeks ago. I started out strong with training, but then took a hit in the middle. With so many fires throughout Ukiah, it has been hard to perform my best with running. Treadmills are good - but they are just no substitute for speed work outside and on the track. I did have some really strong training weeks and added in speed work, NTC drills and stretching to my routine. I even think that Wednesday basketball helped me with my sprint game. I won't be winning any Olympic medals soon - but I do plan on becoming a faster version of myself.

Fastest Mile

I have to give a huge thank you to Nike for sending me this gift - a #sofast shirt - to help motivate me to train at my best. It has been awesome for motivation. It is not too late to join the challenge yourself if you are interested. Just sign up here. You can run your fastest mile anywhere around the world - just log it with a Nike+ compatible device. The Nike Sportwatch or running app are my favorites. It's a great opportunity to get out there and challenge yourself and your friends.

Fastest MileThis is the photo from yesterday's morning run. Of course I had to show off my sweet shirt! I powered through three miles - slower than I wanted, but hopefully just the right amount of taper for me to really crush it Sunday! Won't you join me?

"Not Just Fast, So Fast."